CNN + BIDEN = An echo chamber of false narratives

Found by on April 26th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

Some Vice President said something…

American Media: Bitter Clingers

Found by on April 21st, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Ever since Trump and his basket of deplorables defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, Democrats and their journalistic handmaidens have been unwilling and unable to deal with it. They worked together to undercut his presidency.”

Fake News, is Fake? AP Has No Clothes

Found by on April 20th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“While there are a few exceptions, Mueller’s investigation repeatedly supports news reporting that was done on the Russia probe over the last two years and details several instances where the president and his team sought to mislead the public.”

Ridiculous. Outrageous. Absolute media malpractice. AP thinks we are idiots and can’t remember “collusion”, “Russian spy”, or “Putin puppet”. Shame.

Top 10 Media “Collusion” Flops – NY Post

Found by on April 20th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The errant reporters and pundits — the ones who peddled the most outrageous falsehoods — want nothing more than to move on. But not so fast: There has to be some accountability for the biggest foul-ups.”

Humiliated Media: Hysterical Children Have No Business Running Journalism- Carlson

Found by on April 19th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“For two years, our capital city became a kind of massive CNN panel — a living monument to ignorance and dishonesty, where the loudest and dumbest invariably got the most attention“

Fake News Warning: Pope Francis Weighs In

Found by on April 2nd, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“There are huge economic interests operating in the digital world, capable of exercising forms of control as subtle as they are invasive, creating mechanisms for the manipulation of consciences and of the democratic process,”

Liberty Nation’s Top 10 Media Russiagate Fails

Found by on March 31st, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“This is by no means the be-all and end-all of verbal high crimes and misdemeanors by media elites, but a few of these remarks are real head-shakers.”

10. Carl Bernstein, CNN 9. Chuck Todd, NBC 8. David Corn, Mother Jones 7. Will Bunch, Phily Inquirer 6. Aaron Blake, WAPO
5. Dan Rather, MSNBC 4. Chris Matthews, MSNBC 3. Joy Behar, The View 2. Joe Scarborough, MSNBC 1. John Sipher, Steve Hall, NYT

System Fail: “Not a mistake”

Found by on March 30th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The Mueller Report is an unmitigated disaster for the American press and the ‘expert’ class that it promotes.”

Esquire: Trump Changed The New York Times. Is It Forever?

Found by on March 30th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“They admitted in that story that they didn’t care about journalism anymore,” he continued, “that they were just going to write badly. That was an amazing admission.”

Indeed. A culture of self admitted corruption, shielded by the shrinking fig leaf known as the 1st amendment.

A Catastrophic Media Failure

Found by on March 28th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Robert Mueller’s investigation is over, but questions still abound. Not about collusion, Russian interference or obstruction of justice, but about the leading lights of journalism who managed to get the story so wrong, and for so long.”

Media Hate: A Sad “Truth”

Found by on February 23rd, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“It’s deeply disturbing how news coverage has often been turned into a propaganda machine, continuing to forge ahead with false narratives with no regard for truth. Facts just seem to get in the way.”

When did our media turn against us? Like the Collisium of old, today’s MSM bathes in the spectacle of modern day media gladiators and electronic assasinations. It’s a sickening trajectory, made worse by the hate fueled temperance of publically acceptable TDS.

Narrative Police: CNN & Facebook As Thought Gatekeeper

Found by on February 22nd, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“CNN knew that Facebook was going to be suspending the pages of her company Maffick Media before she did, suggesting a creepy degree of coordination between the two massive outlets to silence an alternative media platform.”

So – unless alternative media outlets “disclose” their sponsors now (is this case RT) they will be banned from Facebook? How is this not censorship? Does CNN/CBS/NBC/ABC disclose theirs? Control of the narrative is just another form of Fake News. Facebook and CNN coordinating this isn’t just a PR stunt – it’s an insight into how the MSM wants you think what they tell you to think.

Least Trusted Journalists

#1Kaitlin Collins
#2Chris Cuomo
#3Ken Dilanian
#4Ben Smith
#5Jon Talton
#6Ben Kesslen
#7Jason Leopold
#8Annie Linskey
#9Ronan Farrow
#10Anthony Cormier
#11Adam Edelman
#12Mike Ward
#13Gardiner Harris
#14Charles Blow
#15Jim Sciutto
#16Jake Tapper
#17Brian Ross
#18Mike Seidel
#19Alisyn Camerota
#20Gabriel Pogrund
#21Chuck Todd
#22Greg Gordon
#23Joe Scarborough
#24Carl Bernstein
#25Dean Baquet
#26David Corn
#27Bob Woodward
#28John Dickerson
#29Aaron Blake

Least Trusted Outlets

#2NBC News
#3New York Daily News
#4Fox News
#6The Daily Telegraph
#8Daily Star
#10Mother Jones
#12The Guardian
#13Houston Cronicle
#14The Seattle Times
#15The Huffington Post
#19Big League Politics
#20The Weather Channel
#22The Daily Beast
#27The New York Times
#28Boston Globe
#29The Washington Post
#30The New Yorker