Jon Talton


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Jon Talton is the author of 12 novels and one work of history. He is also acorrespondent with The Seattle Times. His work has been widely praised by the critics. The Washington Post BookWorld said Concrete Desert is “more intelligent and rewarding than most contemporary mysteries.” In a starred review, Booklist called it “a stunning debut.” The Chicago Tribune lauded Camelback Falls for its “twisty and crafty” plot. For Dry Heat, Publishers Weekly wrote, “Taut prose helps tighten the screws, and the winning, sensitive portrayal of the Mapstones ¬– both of them a relief after too many hard-nosed PIs who are all gristle and no brain – lends credibility to the noirish narrative.” Best-selling author Don Winslow called Talton one of America’s “extremely talented but under-recognized” authors. (From


Full Orwell: Seattle Times Un-Truths Reality

Found by on January 11th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Wholesale denial of objective reality is something new, especially from the highest elected official in the land.”

Ah, excuse us…but politicians lie for a living whether they are right or left. Been going on for centuries. “Inaugural crowd size” vs. ” If you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor”. What we take issue with is journalists (and media) that justify a biased narrative knowing full well the harm they are inflicting on their audience. Journalists should be objective – and this horrifically biased piece from @jontalton unfortunately makes our point.

Least Trusted Journalists

#1Ken Dilanian
#2Ben Smith
#3Kaitlin Collins
#4Chris Cuomo
#5Jon Talton
#6Ben Kesslen
#7Jason Leopold
#8Annie Linskey
#9Ronan Farrow
#10Anthony Cormier
#11Adam Edelman
#12Mike Ward
#13Gardiner Harris
#14Carl Bernstein
#15Dean Baquet
#16David Corn
#17Bob Woodward
#18John Dickerson
#19Aaron Blake
#20Jon Talton
#21Charles Blow
#22Jim Sciutto
#23Jake Tapper
#24Brian Ross
#25Mike Seidel
#26Alisyn Camerota
#27Gabriel Pogrund
#28Chuck Todd
#29Greg Gordon
#30Joe Scarborough

Least Trusted Outlets

#2NBC News
#3New York Daily News
#4Fox News
#7The Daily Telegraph
#8Daily Star
#11The New York Times
#12Boston Globe
#13The Washington Post
#14The New Yorker
#19Mother Jones
#21The Guardian
#22Houston Cronicle
#23The Seattle Times
#24The Huffington Post
#28Big League Politics
#29The Weather Channel