The New York Times
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The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851, the paper has won 122 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper.
As of September 2016, it had the largest combined print-and-digital circulation of any daily newspaper in the United States. The New York Times is ranked 18th in the world by circulation.
The paper is owned by The New York Times Company, which is publicly traded but primarily controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family through a dual-class share structure. It has been owned by the family since 1896; Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., the paper’s publisher and the company’s chairman, is the fourth generation of the family to helm the paper.
The New York Slimes – Supreme Court Edition
“Maybe the next time it is sued for defamation, the Times can use a satire defense: no reasonable person would believe that anything it publishes is true.‘
Trump Slams “Fake News” NY Times 120K Troops To Iran Report
“I think it’s fake news, OK?”
The Grey Lady seems to cherish the role of printing national security secrets in an effort to hurt their “opponents” and boost the liberal narrative. Journalism is truly dead.
Goodwin: Did the NY Times just admit — and defend — Obama’s spying on Trump?
“That’s not journalism. That’s being a deep-state errand boy.”
Top 10 Media “Collusion” Flops – NY Post
“The errant reporters and pundits — the ones who peddled the most outrageous falsehoods — want nothing more than to move on. But not so fast: There has to be some accountability for the biggest foul-ups.”
Humiliated Media: Hysterical Children Have No Business Running Journalism- Carlson
“For two years, our capital city became a kind of massive CNN panel — a living monument to ignorance and dishonesty, where the loudest and dumbest invariably got the most attention“
Liberty Nation’s Top 10 Media Russiagate Fails
“This is by no means the be-all and end-all of verbal high crimes and misdemeanors by media elites, but a few of these remarks are real head-shakers.”
10. Carl Bernstein, CNN 9. Chuck Todd, NBC 8. David Corn, Mother Jones 7. Will Bunch, Phily Inquirer 6. Aaron Blake, WAPO
5. Dan Rather, MSNBC 4. Chris Matthews, MSNBC 3. Joy Behar, The View 2. Joe Scarborough, MSNBC 1. John Sipher, Steve Hall, NYT
System Fail: “Not a mistake”
“The Mueller Report is an unmitigated disaster for the American press and the ‘expert’ class that it promotes.”
Esquire: Trump Changed The New York Times. Is It Forever?
“They admitted in that story that they didn’t care about journalism anymore,” he continued, “that they were just going to write badly. That was an amazing admission.”
Indeed. A culture of self admitted corruption, shielded by the shrinking fig leaf known as the 1st amendment.
A Catastrophic Media Failure
“Robert Mueller’s investigation is over, but questions still abound. Not about collusion, Russian interference or obstruction of justice, but about the leading lights of journalism who managed to get the story so wrong, and for so long.”
“Propagandists”: Lara Logan On Today’s “Activist” Media
“In an interview published last Friday with the “Mike Drop” podcast, hosted by retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland, Logan called the media’s “absurdly left wing” Democratic bias “a huge fucking problem.”
Ahem. We finally have an inside account of how fake, “Fake News” really is. Lara describes the current media culture of activism which has completely abandoned the traditional methodology around journalism and professional conduct. Our deepest thanks to Lara’s courage to speak the truth and hopefully shine a light into the darkness that’s enveloped (mostly) the 4th estate.
Fake Facts (2): Checkers “Truth” Is What They Say It Is
“The state of American fact-checking is dreadfully misleading. There’s no reason for conservatives to give its authors the deference they seek.”
Media bias exists in many, many new forms today. From “journalists” acting as opinion columnists to the old faithful: bias by omission. The ‘Media’ pick and choose stories, narratives and now “facts” that support their preconceived narrative and notions of what truth represents. And the ‘disease’ has now spread to the checkers of the “facts” – whose supposedly are neutral ( yes Snopes – we mean you) politically. Embarrassing – and fraudulent – and possibly now liable? Let’s see how slippery the slope has become…
Dark Makeup: A New York Times Mirror – With Smoke
“Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring says he dressed up in a wig and brown makeup as part of a costume while a university student,” the NYT tweet said.
Ahem. What’s the difference between “Brown Makeup” and “Blackface”? Answer: Your politics at the moment.