The Guardian


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The Guardian is a British daily newspaper. It was known from 1821 until 1959 as The Manchester Guardian. Along with its sister papers The Observer and the Guardian WeeklyThe Guardian is part of the Guardian Media Group, owned by the Scott Trust. The Trust was created in 1936 “to secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity and to safeguard the journalistic freedom and liberal values of the Guardian free from commercial or political interference.” The Scott Trust was converted into a limited company in 2008, with a constitution written so as to project the same protections for the Guardian as were originally built into the very structure of the Trust by its creators. Profits are reinvested in journalism rather than to benefit an owner or shareholders. {Wikipedia}


Not Fake: Wikileaks Sues The Guardian

Found by on January 14th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Both WikiLeaks and Manafort have said they plan to sue The Guardian over the publication, with Manafort slamming the report as “totally false and deliberately libellous.”

We’re thinking (sadly) this is what it’s going to take. Unless news outlets pay a financial penalty for fake reporting, they will probably keep their narrative machine churning. Wonder if Wikileaks will take some action on that (minus the head separation part) bet? Any takers?

Fake Documents: The Guardian becomes a MI6 Asset

Found by on November 30th, 2018 - Be the first to comment!

“Washington and London are relying on the public’s insouciance to shield their shamelessness.”

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#2Ken Dilanian
#3Ben Smith
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#9Ronan Farrow
#10Anthony Cormier
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#12Mike Ward
#13Gardiner Harris
#14Brian Ross
#15Mike Seidel
#16Alisyn Camerota
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#18Chuck Todd
#19Greg Gordon
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#22Dean Baquet
#23David Corn
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#26Aaron Blake
#27Charles Blow
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#2NBC News
#3New York Daily News
#4Fox News
#6The Daily Telegraph
#8Daily Star
#9The Huffington Post
#13Big League Politics
#14The Weather Channel
#16The Daily Beast
#21The New York Times
#22Boston Globe
#23The Washington Post
#24The New Yorker
#26The Guardian
#30Mother Jones