Found by on May 25th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Tucker Carlson deserves a victory lap for correctly tagging Avenatti as “creepy porn lawyer”.


Levin: Media ‘incestuous’ with Democrats, fake news real

Found by on May 20th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The media will not only marginalize themselves but they will continue to be the greatest threat to freedom of the press today — not President Trump or his administration, but the current practitioners of what used to be journalism.”

“Cultural Schizophrenia”: US Media No Longer Reports Facts

Found by on May 18th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

Facts don’t sell. But anger and hate do.

Russia: ‘Fake News Database’ Coming Soon

Found by on May 17th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The Russian Foreign Ministry has run its own “fake news-busting” website for more than two years, superimposing a seal saying “FAKE” in red letters on screenshots of disputed articles.”

Sounds, ah, progressive?

Trump Slams “Fake News” NY Times 120K Troops To Iran Report

Found by on May 14th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“I think it’s fake news, OK?”

The Grey Lady seems to cherish the role of printing national security secrets in an effort to hurt their “opponents” and boost the liberal narrative. Journalism is truly dead.

Warren: Fox News is a ‘Hate-for-Profit Racket’

Found by on May 14th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists—it’s designed to turn us against each other, risking life & death consequences, to provide cover for the corruption that’s rotting our government and hollowing out our middle class.”

We’re guessing NBC and Daily Beast agree?

Fake News?: China censors Trump’s tariff tweets

Found by on May 14th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“So, for almost half a day after his threats of new tariffs on Chinese goods were made public, Trump’s tweets remained one of the most censored news items in mainland China.”

Call us shocked.

Goodwin: Did the NY Times just admit — and defend — Obama’s spying on Trump?

Found by on May 5th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“That’s not journalism. That’s being a deep-state errand boy.”

Attkisson: How Media Narratives Became More Important Than Facts

Found by on May 4th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The effort to expose flaws and conflicts in media reporting is growing stronger, not weaker, despite the narratives. The desire to affect improvements is building. Make no mistake: Not all of us are free to speak publicly, but there are a lot of us. And we aren’t going away.‘

CNN’s Sciutto: USA Supports Armed Coup in Venezuela

Found by on May 1st, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Don’t miss this: the US is now publicly supporting an armed coup in Venezuela. On the other side is a govt backed by Russia.”

We must have missed it Jim. Isn’t Guiado is the legal president of Venezuela?

Fake Smears: Daily Beast Exposes Attempted Buttigieg Takedown

Found by on April 30th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“The source who spoke to The Daily Beast said Burkman and Wohl made clear that their goal was to kneecap Buttigieg’s momentum in the 2020 presidential race.”

Big League Politics originally ran (and Tweeted) the story but has since run an updated Wohl angle of deceit. Absolutely disgusting. Glad BLP corrected -but shame for running it in the first place.


Found by on April 29th, 2019 - Be the first to comment!

“Increasingly, the remnants of the old publishing industry are being bought by the oligarchs — Jeff Bezos’ purchase of the Post in 2013, the 2017 buying of the Atlantic by Laurene Powell Jobs, and last year’s purchase of Time by Marc Benioff, founder of San Francisco-based Salesforce.com. With billions made elsewhere, these media outlets no longer must listen to their diverse readers; Bezos did not buy the Post to defend democracy, as his henchmen insist, but to shape the debate in the nation’s capital.”

Least Trusted Journalists

#1Ken Dilanian
#2Ben Smith
#3Kaitlin Collins
#4Chris Cuomo
#5Jon Talton
#6Ben Kesslen
#7Jason Leopold
#8Annie Linskey
#9Ronan Farrow
#10Anthony Cormier
#11Adam Edelman
#12Mike Ward
#13Gardiner Harris
#14Gabriel Pogrund
#15Chuck Todd
#16Greg Gordon
#17Joe Scarborough
#18Carl Bernstein
#19Dean Baquet
#20David Corn
#21Bob Woodward
#22John Dickerson
#23Aaron Blake
#24Charles Blow
#25Jim Sciutto
#26Jake Tapper
#27Brian Ross
#28Mike Seidel
#29Alisyn Camerota

Least Trusted Outlets

#2NBC News
#3New York Daily News
#4Fox News
#7The Daily Telegraph
#8Daily Star
#10The Daily Beast
#15The New York Times
#16Boston Globe
#17The Washington Post
#18The New Yorker
#23Mother Jones
#25The Guardian
#26Houston Cronicle
#27The Seattle Times
#28The Huffington Post